• 【New Content Update】 Club
  • 2024.09.11
  • On October 1st, 2024, the new "Club" guild system will be officially added!
    Join a Club to receive Club-exclusive rewards and explore new content where you can cooperate with other commanders!

    ◇ Creating and Joining a Club

    Only commanders with a rank of 30 or higher can create a Club, but anyone can join. However, if your in-game language differs from the Club’s main language, you may be restricted from joining. The Club Master can decide whether to allow/deny applications on the Club’s information page, and a Club can have up to 20 members.

    Club Chatting: A communication tool for commanders in the same Club. You can chat with each other or check updates such as other members' rare item acquisitions or successful enchants. Members can individually set what information is shown in the chat.
    Club Login: By logging in daily, commanders can receive a Club Login Bonus. In addition to the basic login bonus rewards, a special login bonus focused on items, gacha, and more will be offered at a low cost.
    Club Buff: Clubs offer commanders various buffs that help in battles. Club Buffs are applied individually and can be upgraded with Club Buff Points which are given based on the number of characters each commander owns. Club Buffs can be stacked with existing Awaken Skills.
    Club Party: The Club Master can activate a maximum of 2 buffs that apply to the entire Club for a certain amount of time.
    Club Donation: By donating various materials, commanders can earn Club Points and Club Attribute Points. Club Attribute Points are tracked daily and reset anew every 15:00 (UTC), which is applied to the Club Rank in real-time.
    Club Store: Use Club Points obtained from Club Donations to buy various items. As the Club Store level increases, so does the item variety. The paid Club Package is also available at the Club Store, and when one member purchases it, all other members receive additional presents.
    Club Facilities: Use Club Attribute Points to upgrade facilities within the Club. Upgrading facilities will upgrade the Club Party, Club Store, and Club Donation levels while increasing the maximum level for Club Buffs available to members.
    Club Pass: Earn Club Pass rewards by completing Club Pass missions, and unlock a special reward with a special reward key obtained from the Club Store, etc. The Club Pass mission progress reflects the combined efforts of all members.

    ◇ Club Rank
    Weekly/Monthly Club Ranks are tallied through a sum of Club Attribute Points gained from Club Daily Login and Club Donation. Be sure to participate in club activities to reach higher ranks.

    ◇ Club Quests
    Club-exclusive battle content such as Club Raid will be added through future updates.
    These contents will be designed to cooperate with other members to receive various items as rewards.
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